Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Where Do I get Information?

The truth is not an easy thing to find and in a lot of cases you don't find the truth based on who you ask or where you look. Not many websites or companies can be seen as reliable or truthful but I have a few preferences that I think give me the best opportunity to find the truth.


I enjoy using the bird app to find information on different events and all kinds of news because it doesn't have much of a side to it. It is a free app where anyone can say anything. I like looking through and seeing all of the different ideas that people have and all of the information that people are giving. I feel like a lot of news sources mostly stay on one side or one idea with their main writers. Twitter doesn't have that issue as it is a mess of people and you can look at whatever you want and see what information makes sense, or matches other people. I find it to be an interesting way and kind of fun way to go and get news as quickly as possible.


I use ESPN for a lot of more basic sports things like scores and stuff but they also have news articles about all different things that have happened. All of it is related to sports, but they don't all have to be directly connected to a sport. There are always stories about things that have happened around the world and how it affects the sport world. I use this source for news because there are a lot of different writers for all different sports and sports are commonly difficult to fraud or have too much of a bias.


ABC is the first source that I look at that is a bit more risky. But I normally watch ABC on the TV in the morning. I enjoy going and watching Good Morning America, this is because it was on in the morning before I went to school and my mom would always have it on. I like watching GMA because it is normally pretty neutral and more light hearted compared to more of the other things ABC has on after GMA. Besides Good Morning America I don't find myself going to ABC much for news except if it is late at night and I am just seeing local reports.


Instagram is not a place I go looking for news, but it is a place where I will find news and information I can usually trust. Most of the time I just go to instagram to see things from friends, but the inclusion of the explore page has created an outlet to reach to other people. In these places you can see accounts that are producing news. Most of the pages are scattered more to me and the ideas I have, which results in me seeing news that I would agree with. Even with news mostly applying to me I find accounts that have news on more of my interest rather than other views of mine.

The New York Times

Finally, The New York Times is a source that I find myself using every once in a while. It is not a source that I will go out of my way to discover news from, but is normally the website that I end up looking at when I look something up. The New York Times is a place that isn't always reliable which is why I normally don't get my news from it but it is a place where I end up and sometimes will get information from.

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